Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pool Time !!!!

It was a beautiful weekend in Atlanta this past weekend. My "Buford Shore" mates, and my girls all gathered around a new watering hole. Matthew has moved into a new abode and with that brought a new pool space. It was freaking spectacular! It felt like we had gone to a resort, that's how nice and roomy this pool is. My fave part was this kiddie wading area for the adults to sit in with..wait for it...chairs and your beer. SA-WEET, right? I made a new friend of sorts, she was in a hot pink one piece and she was probably late 50's early 60's and a little large. She had pink lipstick to match her suit, quite stylish if you ask me. My girls and I go to the pool and this is how we get ready, are you ready? Get up, brush teeth, wash face, put on suit. DONE! We aren't the girls who go to the pool/lake/beach in full face. Gag me. I would suffocate. But I do realize some girls like it, and that's OK. I barely like putting on foundation when I go out or to work, I do it to spare the rest of you having to look at me. I can't see what I look like, what do I care? OK fine, I care, yes, like the others in my fam, I am vain. Sue me. ;0}

...My girls and I are all fairly easy to hang with. As I have said before, we are "guys girls". We like sports, we enjoy going to/watching games, and drinking beer/wine. This makes us perfect if you ask me, and since this IS my blog, I think you did. I know a lot of peeps, but count about a handful as close, and worthy of me sharing anything. My girls are supportive, realist, funny as hell (although how funny is hell? really? I don't think Hitler is down there busting a gut from laughing but oh well). Where was I? Oh right, so when my girls find a guy they like, I am all for it. He needs to treat her right, respect her, take care of her, have her back and obviously, I have to like him. It's never a pretty site if I don't. Believe me. However, as long as you don't spill a drink on me and just laugh, or tell me I cannot do something, we should be good. If my girl is happy, then Princess is happy.

But when my girl gets played, it makes me glad I don't date, geesh, who needs that drama, torment, or wishy washyness? My guy friends have this issue too, it's not just the females. Quite honestly, I don't get it. I'm pretty out front, and if more people were like that, I don't think there would be as many hurt feelings, or misunderstandings. I mean when someone tells you "I'm not date able" and you still continue to date them, what does that say? And I'm here to tell all, you cannot change anyone, anytime, anywhere if they aren't willing or wanting to change for themselves. And my thing is this, if you liked them when you met them, why would you want to change that? Doesn't that mean the person you originally fell for is no longer? I'm all for growing and becoming more enlightened or educated or even more interesting. I've had friends who have dated someone and then a few months into it they suddenly complain about what they initially said attracted them. WTH is that nonsense? Really? So being a bartender was cool but now you need to get a 'real job?' Like your occupation is so inviting. Or they love your sarcasm and wit and then it's 'you pick on me'. Oh for the love, the door is to the right stud.

So in closing, if you like YOU, be the best YOU you can be and when someone truly appreciates YOU, they will like the real YOU, not their version of YOU. Kiss Kiss Hug Hug....