Friday, November 3, 2017

My Birthday Month Is The Best Month EVER

I love the month of November and I don't think it's because it's my birth month. November really brings fall to the area I live in. I'm in the south and I grew up really south in Florida. Now to be clear, I do not consider Florida as the old school south. When I hear that I think Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana. They have southern accents whereas in Florida most people sounded northern because they fled the north for the warmer climate.

Growing up in south FL, I really didn't see a whole lot of temperature change until December/January. Then it was in the 40-50's and lord knows I needed a jacket then. I still need a jacket for those days, who am I kidding? I live in the Atlanta area and we get four proper seasons, at least in the foliage sense. The leaves start turning in late October but they really finish in November.

Last year for Thanksgiving I was wearing shorts and a tank top while I was cooking dinner and turned the air conditioning on. I guess we can blame Global Warming. All reports I've seen this year have said we were going to have another  warmer winter than usual. I want some snow please. Not blizzard weather but some nice powdering, not too much as most people freak out over here and can't drive. Well, if I'm completely honest, most people can't drive year round but alert them of snow or ice and good lord, it's a catastrophe. :)

As I was saying my birth month is the best. November also gets you primed for the holidays. We have Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Election Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and now Cyber Monday.

Hope all of you have the bestest holiday month. Remember life is short so be nice and think outside the normal box. :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

But I can't do that...

When I was little I had this fantasy that I would be happily married with 2.5 kids, a dog and I would travel the world with my husband. And then.....reality hit. I was happily married and we did travel but not so much once the kids came along, only 2, I don't know where the .5 one went. :)

I had a pretty good childhood, adored my Dad had issues with my Mum occasionally, but I knew they were there and they loved me. After almost 10 years of bliss with me they decided to bring another child to our household. I wasn't super excited to welcome another but no one asked me until it was too late. She was supposed to be the boy Dad wanted, I was always supposed to be a girl. That tells you all you need to know about life after that child was born. hahahhaha...Anyhoo, we all adapted blah blah blah.

Once my now ex husband came into the picture my relationship with my Mum changed. Both are manipulative and think they are always right so dinners were always a good time with me in the middle. I have him on one side complaining that I didn't stick up for him and her on the other side telling me I needed to take up for the family. Once you marry and have kids the family dynamic you grew up with now changes to "your family" being your spouse and kids and the parents were now another subset of the family. No longer your core family. My marriage had issues and some were generated by my Mum. I would dread having to go to my parents house because I knew what would happen. It got to be so stressful that I started making excuses as to why we couldn't come up. At the time we lived about 2 hours away so they were close enough yet far enough away. While I may have had my problems with Mum she was and is the most amazing grandmother. I was lucky with her parents but my kids really hit the lotto with her. She has always been there for every event, birthday, holiday, surgery etc. They really have no complaints and I don't believe they do. Now the fun part starts.

Five and half years ago my beloved Dad passed. In the past when I had arguments with the sibling or Mum he was the one who would come to me and ask me to "fix this" because it was hard on him. After time I would acquiesce. I haven't spoken to my sibling in 4 years now and then because she would lie to me or tell the sibling my business, I haven't spoken to my Mum since January. Recently she was in the hospital to put a pacemaker in and now she's having kidney issues. My kids, understandably, are a wreck. My ex's parents were older and by the time he had my boys they were either passed or my kids were too young to remember meeting them. My parents are all my kids have had and now they only have their grandmother. I get that. I recall how devastated I was when I lost my maternal grandmother and then maternal grandfather 6 months later. My kids are lucky in that I lost mine at 16 and they still have my Mum and they are 20 and 24. I call that a win in my book.

My youngest is "appalled" at me that I don't speak with my "family" and he finds me "childish". Now, at the time this went down I told my oldest exactly what had transpired but not the youngest since I felt he was young and I didn't really want to skew his view of his grandmother. I reached out to both my sons last week as I was feeling some distance was being created. My oldest says he's good but he wishes I would reconnect with them and my youngest, well you see the quoted words.

I have had depression issues for years but didn't realize that's what it was until a few years ago. Last week I was in a depression spiral, but thanks to hormones I wasn't suicidal. I'm still struggling to get back to "me" but this issue with my sons hasn't helped that. Unlike others, I cannot just go and slap on a smile and pretend all is well, that's not me,  that's never been me and here we are.

 I finally get what Meat Loaf was saying when he sang "But I can't do that" from "Two out of Three" one of my all time fave songs.

As always kids, be kind, be happy and remove yourself from anything that doesn't help you achieve those goals. Kiss Kiss Hug Hug

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

People's Actions Tell Us Everything

I don't know about you, but initially, when you meet people they put on their best face. Some never waiver from that while others show us their truth within a few months or even years.

About fourish years ago I met someone that I knew but never "knew". For a few months it was almost fairy tale behavior to the point that I believed this was who he truly was. Silly me. As he later told me, he has many sides. And quite honestly, it was my fault for not believing him. Because he had shown me the good I would refuse to comprehend that the other "sides" were the real person. Obviously, we never want to see the bad in people, at least I don't. I really try and focus on seeing the good in everything and everyone, especially if I have put trust in you.

When I first meet someone I can tell instantly whether I like them or not. Some I've had to be around more but this person, I told things on a first meeting that people I've know for 20 years didn't know. That's not generally the girl I am. I felt connected to him and he told me things that I didn't think everyone knew either, I could be wrong. When it came to him I was very naïve and saw with blinders. And that's ok, you want to see the positive in people even if it's fake. We need to believe everyone can and will be good until they aren't. But this is where I went very wrong, when I saw the other sides, I didn't walk away then.

Our relationship changed from the initial one but I always told myself there was that good part and that's where I was foolish. Over the years I had seen other things that I was shocked or dismayed by but I still tried to believe it wasn't the real him. Unfortunately, I was very ignorant in that thinking. This past year has shown me that the person I initially met cannot last because that façade cannot be sustained for a long period of time. I take full responsibility and when we would have conversations and he would say "I told you..." I should have really taken that to heart, not just think he was fabricating. When some things are shined with a spot light though, then you have to "see". The universe has had enough of me seeing him with rose colored glasses. Even if I thought I was seeing correctly.

I am not innocent in my actions towards him over this period of time either. I have run my mouth and said things that should have stayed silent but I was hurt and I tend to lash out. I've learned if I want to spew I need to keep it very close to the vest. Making comments about another doesn't put me in a glowing light and that's not the person I strive to be. So if people have either a "lesson, a lifetime or a reason" for being in your life I learned many lessons. But it's ok, no one died, and I'm in a good place with myself.

Until we meet again, hugs hugs kiss kiss and remember life is too short to waste it on people or things that don't make you happy or question yourself. Love yourself more than you do others. It's not selfish.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Aging...Or Not

I can tell you that I never thought as I was growing up, I would become such a vain person with regards to aging. Now mind you, I never grew up saying I was ok with looking like the crypt keeper but I don't think I gave it a second thought either. My Mum was never focused on her looks, that I ever saw. I mean she always wore make up and dressed nicely but she wasn't obsessed about her looks in my formative years. It wasn't until I was in my teens and we moved to Chattanooga that I heard "are you wearing that?" or "aren't you going to put make up on?" comments. Growing up in FL we didn't really put make up on, at least I never had to. I was kissed by the suns glow, yes, I really did just say that and yes, I really did believe that, so I wore mascara and lip gloss and out I went. That was my make up ritual. If I tried to put on my Bonnie Bell blush I looked like a flipping clown because my cheeks were already rosy from the heat. It was hard to be me back in my teens. But don't get too jealous, my hair was probably 3 feet wide from the humidity so I wasn't all sexiness, don't you fret. I wasn't completely hideous but I wasn't my besties either. Anyhoo, I'm getting off track....

Now that I'm in my Jurassic period of age, I would definitely do more nip/tuck if I could afford it. And botox is my friend, however, he hasn't been in almost a year. But that's ok, he will be again shortly. I have an interview at the Claremont in the next week or so, keep your fingers crossed peeps. Gigi needs a passport so we can travel. hahahahhaha. Have adorable frenchie, will travel. :)

In conclusion, age really is nothing but a number, I firmly believe this. When I do tell people my age they think I'm lying. I promise you I would not age myself for kicks. I used to lie about my age when I first turned 40. I had such a hard time with that year. Turning 900 really didn't faze me, I couldn't even tell you why, but it didn't. So there we are. As long as you don't feel your age and you are doing fun things that you enjoy and hanging with people that make you laugh, and entertain you on all levels, who cares how old you are? I mean really, does it matter? I say not. If it matters to others you don't need them around. They don't deserve your time, your attention or your fabulousness.

Until we meet again, hug hug, kiss kiss. Life is short, be kind, it matters.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dating Tips I've Learned....

Sometimes things we think we know we really don't know and then we freak and panic and wonder what to do. Lucky for me I have people to bounce my horrible texting ideas to and sometimes I listen and more often than not, I do what I want. LOL. Let's see if I can assist others in not making some crucial mistakes, shall we?

1. No matter how excited you get don't show your complete joy. You can show happiness without peeing on yourself like a puppy.

2. If you send a text, wait for an answer before you submit another text. You don't want to bombard someone with multiple texts making you appear as if you have nothing else going on in your life and now you come off as a stalker or stalker to be.

3. DO NOT and I cannot stress this one enough, if you have gone out with a person and it was a pleasant experience but you don't know how the other person is feeling, don't ask what they wear to bed, or to the pool or what kind of underwear they sport. It was one date, you have more time to get there. As a woman all I see is you are thinking nothing but sex and if I was even remotely wanting to go out with you a second time, you just killed it.

4. If someone tells you their natural color is red, don't immediately look at their roots. Bad form and you just lost their interest. And for heaven's sake do not ask them if their 'curtains match their rug'. OMG.

5. If you are digging someone, doesn't matter if they are male or female but they tell you not to fall for them because they will break your heart LISTEN TO THEM. They know themselves and aren't trying to make themselves sound like a catch. RUN FORREST RUN. Now, if you feel you have already fallen and feel like you might as well sleep with them, then go right ahead. At least get a good story and life is short. You never know when you'll get laid again. :)

Kiss Kiss Hug Hug and much love to you all. Remember, today is all we have, make it a day you enjoy!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Proud Mummy Moment

This past Sunday, which was Easter, my beloved sons came over and joined me for lunch. After they left, I mowed the yard, one of my favorite outdoor hobbies. Really, I love mowing the yard, maybe the other stuff not so much, but I like knowing how much exercise you are getting, relatively fresh air, and I always have a sense of accomplishment when I'm done because you see immediate results.

Now, this was not my first time mowing the yard but after I tell you what I did, you may question that. I noticed the area where the bag would be attached had grass in it and I was thinking, "OK, the blade is at the top so I can lift the window and not be near the blade", I was sadly mistaken. However, thankfully the grass gods were watching out, more likely my Dad, and all I did was cut my middle finger and really gashed my ring finger. The glove I was wearing didn't fare as well.

Naturally, I freak and started saying over and over again "oh my god, oh my god" rushing into the house to put it under water and get a towel. As I removed the glove I saw my fingers were still attached and it was just a really deep cut on the right ring finger. Now the panic of stopping the bleeding commenced. I get that taken care of all the while feeling dizzy and trying to call my Dr's office to see if I needed to come in or just wrap it up. As I'm on  hold, yes hold, I look over at my beloved puppy Gigi, who is quite clueless and useless if I'm being honest, because she can't dial or talk to the nurse. Anyhoo, the nurse instructs me to head on in. Great!, now I have to call my son to drive me, not playing favorites but in my head I'm thinking "OK, eldest has to be at work tomorrow at 4am, so he's a no, guess it's my baby beloved on deck." As any parent knows you try and stay strong for your kids, and mine haven't really seen me cry unless some d*ck broke my heart. They didn't even see me cry when my Dad passed, I did that in private. I call B2 and tell him I need a ride to the Dr and start bawling. You can imagine the horror on his face when he arrived.

He takes me to the ER and was perfect! He held my purse, spoke with the Dr asking pertinent questions I would have had I been thinking clearly. He held my hand while they stitched me up. I got a whooping 5. The Dr's reasoning was to "keep the flap pad attached" yes, quite disgusting and it looks even worse. Obviously, this guy was out sick during the Plastic Surgery rotation. But as I keep telling others, it could have been worse, I could have lost 2 fingers or more and I don't care that it's going to leave a scar because its on the bottom of my finger and I'm not a hand model. :)

Kiss Kiss Hug Hug and make today the best you can even if you think its a bad day, you are still breathing and living among the somewhat alive people.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Spring? Is that you?

If you grew up in southern Florida like I did, you had two seasons, Hot and Hotter. But when my parental units relocated us to such cities as Pittsburgh, where we saw snow, and then to Chattanooga where the big excitement for my senior year of summer, was watching a VW bug blow up, and then me moving to California southern and northern, thank you very much, I've experienced all four seasons. Who knew?

 In Florida you knew it was cold when you were dodging death on the roads from the "snow birds". My Mum was particularly annoyed with Michigan drivers. She would come home daily and complain how they are trying to kill her. hahahahahah.

When my baby daddy and I wanted to be closer to my parents, we chose Atlanta as being close but far enough away. Chattavega is around a two hour drive so it was very convenient for weekends and even a day trip for the occasional birthday. When we were moved to Chattanooga, my allergies were not happy. In FL I would just get the annual January cold, not realizing that those were allergies. TN had a whole new set of "WTF" is in the air today weather. I would say Chattanooga's summers were equal to if not greater in humidity and heat as FL. As least living near the beach we had the breeze whereas in Chattanooga it's in a bowl and it never moved. Disgusting is how I like to term it.

When I moved to the San Fran area of Cali, it was truly gorgeous. It was cool at night even in the summer, which you never experienced growing up in southern FL. However, all those years of seeing the "California Beaches" was misrepresented, in my opinion. The water looked like lake water and it was flipping freezing.  Part of the reason people who did escape Alcatraz never made it to shore was due to the frigid temps. I mean, lawd, it was chilly willy. Then we decide to venture down south to Pasadena and I'm thinking "Yippy! Hollywood, Beverly Hills, stars, me, what's not to love?" Uh, again, the water was cold. I took friends in the middle of August, to Malibu, I believe we dipped our toes in it and went to the restaurant and ate after that. Disheartening to me.

Here is beautiful Atlanta we get a true Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter. However, this year our Winter has been more Spring like. The other day I'm getting a sunburn and wearing shorts and tee and this week I'm back in my sweaters and fleece. Go figure. I feel sorry for the poor birds and trees that had started to bloom. Almost like Mother Nature is sitting there going "PSYCHE".. hee hee

Hope everyone has a fabulous Winter/Spring weekend. I know I will. Kiss Kiss, Hug Hug.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Zingers My Kids Throw (So proud)

If you have kids, you know the amount of sarcasm they can attain if you and or several of your family are sarcastic, witty people. When I was growing up if you didn't throw one back you were bait. So over the years of having my boys, who are now 24 and 19, they are quite the amusing couple together. I thought I would compile a list of some personal bests, if you will.

1.  My oldest son hasn't purchased a Mother's Day gift in years. If he doesn't say his brother's gift is his what I get is this "You don't need a gift, you have me." Oh touché my love. I don't think that would work at Cmas time but I feel you.

2. I like to tell them both how I was gutted like a fish to give them life. In later years they have come back with facial expressions that I find hilarious, and now have added comments like "we didn't ask to be gutted" or "you brought us here". The youngest one Spencer usually will add "Mom please, can you not?" hahahahh more fuel for my story fire.

3. I had a recent convo about them socializing more and getting out and dating. Since the oldest, Skyler, just turned 24 I said "when I was your age I was engaged to your Dad for 5 years" and Spencer pipes up, "Wow, and you two are still going strong aren't ya? How'd that turn out for you again Mom?" We divorced 18 years ago, so at this point I just gave my "f*ck you" stare.

4. I was dating this guy and after they got over laughing at me they started in with the following: "Is his name Edward and does he tan by the moon?" "I can't believe you are dating a vampire, does he drink your blood?" "Does this make you a groupie?" and my personal fave, "Does he sing to you when you are alone?" Dude is very pale and sings.

Leave it to the children I gave birth to, and raised to call a sista out. I mean dayum. They are brutal sometimes but all jokes really are done in fun. And in my family, that's how we rolled. My Dad did it to me, and I do it to my friends and peeps and now they do it as well. The Circle of Life people.

Hope all have a very humorous weekend and remember to enjoy the moment, it may be your last!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Drunk Texting....Ugh

Is this EVER a good idea? I mean, good lord. I had done really well for about a year, and then I went and celebrated National Margarita Day last night and had a margarita and that went out the window. There is a reason I don't do liquor. I'm ok if I don't have any thoughts brewing in my head, (a recent convo with someone, or a comment that was made that stuck in my claw) but if I have kept the offense to myself and have a cocktail, all bets are off kids.

I am mindful not to call names or anything like that, but I was told that I like to "poke the bear" which loosely translates to one person as, calling them out. I don't let people get away with a behavior or their ego. I will bring you back down to reality if you start thinking you are too good for things or that you are better than a situation. Not in a mean way but just in my normal sarcastic tone.

I see posts on Facebook where people talk about putting an app on their phone so they have to give a password or enter a puzzle before they are allowed to submit a text. I highly believe that's a fantastic idea. I'm sure it would save tons of embarrassment, hurt feelings, or fights.

In closing I leave you with this. Drunk texting is bad, hiding your phone when you have been drinking, is good. Or giving your phone to a friend so you won't tempt yourself to "maybe send a little note". ABORT ABORT!!!!

As always, thanks for reading and kiss kiss hug hug. And tell someone you like something about them today. Stranger or friend, it will make their day, I guarantee it. :)

Monday, January 30, 2017

Done, Finished, Peace Out Cub Scout...

One thing I have realized in my 900+ years roaming this earth, yes I am a dinosaur. Once I'm done with you, the situation, the job, the family etc, I AM DONE. Meaning, I wish you no ill will, I just no longer do anything for you, I no longer care anything about you, I no longer try to be nice to you, I DO NOTHING FOR YOU, well, unless you want to pay me, then the money ho kicks in and I will. But now it's a complete business transaction and if you fell off the face of the earth, I will not ask why or let my insecurities lead me to a path of  "did something happen" because I won't care enough to get there. 

I will put up with a lot when I care about you, but once I feel you have been knowingly disrespectful, or hateful or lied about me, I first get so pissed off that if you were standing in front of me I would beat your arse and then I wake up the next day with a calm that you are no longer worthy of my time, of my presence or of my thoughts. You can just fade away never to be heard from again and I won't even think twice about it.

Here's the thing with people in our lives, they all have a reason to be there but for how long is determined by us. Believe you me, I have been kicked to the curb through out the years, but I've also been the kicker. This is why I have a hard time trusting anyone initially. Some have slipped past my radar but once I see you for your true self, I may hangout but never open up again. And I am not the type to listen to chatter, I judge you by how you treat me, however if you run your mouth about others, I know it can happen to me. And I'm not talking about you sharing events that happened between you and another I'm referring to you just saying unpleasant things about a "friend". Puhlease, I don't need "friends" like that in my life. I can talk shiz about myself, I don't need your help.

In closing, I leave you with this. Life really is too short, some have shorter than others, so be kind, be thoughtful, be true. At least when you leave this life you can go knowing you did the best you could with being a good person, an honest person and then hopefully, karma won't bite you in the arse in your next life, if you get so lucky.

Kiss Kiss Hug Hug, and as always, thank you for reading. Now go out and have a positive filled day. :)