Friday, November 8, 2013


Since I'm trying to let certain things go is making me spiral ever lower into depression, I've decided to vent here in hopes it will finally release me of my pain.

I HATE that you are a self centered, selfish twat who thinks everything is about you.
I HATE that my kids and Mum have to feel like they need to pick sides.
I HATE that you eat dinner with my ex husband who has treated me like shizz for 30+ years.
I HATE that whenever any of my friends asks about you I get mad and want to punch you in the face.
I HATE that I did nothing to you yet I feel like I did something wrong.
I HATE that you fly through life as if we all owe you a god damn thing.
I HATE that you were the one person I could tell everything to and I no longer have that.
I HATE that I cry when I think about you and the good times we did have.
I HATE that the holidays are coming up and my kids and our Mum are going to feel torn.