Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Psychics - Believe or not Believe

My fascination with Psychics and the beyond started at an early age. I remember watching the Amazing Kriskin bend spoons and other metal items, and then there were others who could talk to the beyond. I have always felt I had "people" around me even when I was all alone. I thought it was just me being the weirdo I am. But alas, I actually do have "people" three to be exact, who surround me and give me comfort. I'm sure there are times they have all wanted to throw me against a wall or slap me upside the head, but they never leave me so even if I am walking alone at night, I'm not completely paralyzed with fear because I know I am not truly alone on my path. So what is this blog about you might wonder? Well, I went to my "Spiritual Life Coach" yesterday. This woman I have known for about 5- 6 years now, and I swear she never ages. She is still as beautiful as the day I met her. Freaking amazing.

I go to her not to get questions answered so much as validate my thoughts or beliefs. Now at times, she has given me further data that I didn't know or didn't really want to see, but all in all it's very cathartic. My sister likes to say "we go to psychics like others go to therapists". Basically, it's the same. When I was going through my divorce and my Ex requested we go see a therapist, I did just to appease his anal retentive, control freak arse. Even the therapist told him, "she doesn't need to be here, you do." hahahaha, and true to form the Ex walked out and promptly said "that guy is a quack." You don't say? All because he didn't agree with you, hmmm, now sign the papers asstard. Anyhoo, I am digressing from my all important point, me. lol

So I go see Denise, actual name not made up, and she tells me what she sees, what she thinks etc. It's always fascinating to me when she or any of the others I've been to, can actually tell me something that isn't random or an educated guess. Dodododododododo. I went to her last February 2011 and she told me my Dad would get sick and pass quite quickly, that it would be an infection they can't get rid of. Low and behold, that's exactly what happened. At the time she told me this, Dad was perfectly healthy and had no issues. When he started going down this path of not recuperating, I realized this was it. I made a conscious effort to go see him more and to really talk to him instead of just fluff talk like we normally did. My Dad wasn't really a big talker until he had a few cocktails and then you couldn't shut him up. Our conversations were basically "hey Dad how are you?" "Fine Alana, you?" Quick, easy, no thinking involved. I'm not the visceral daughter. My sister has traveled the globe and is all about World News, Politics, etc. Me? I'm more "Hey, did you see Pitbull on Dancing with the Stars last night?" kind of convo's. I CAN have the deeper conversations, but I watch who I have the discussions with. Some people fly right to insane and I don't like poking the bears with my two cents. My Ex used to drone on about Politics, Middle East, blah blah blah, "I don't care", "get away from me" was pretty much what was going on in my head as he would blather or try to have sex. And if you know my Ex, you know I'm not lying. He loved when my sister would visit because then they could have 'intelligent' conversations. Yeah whatever buddy, blow me.

Monday, September 3, 2012

True Story

You know? When I'm out mowing, I have a million thoughts exploding in my tiny little brain to blog about. Then I come in and go to 'share' and I'm trying to figure out what to discuss. SQUIRREL!...

Anyhoo, let's see. What do I want to shine a light on today? Hmmm, how about friends? This past week, I had a "Come to Jesus" meeting with several friends on my roster. I enjoy being the girl who can have several types of friends, if you will. The one friend you won't see in my kennel is a lying friend. Why? You ask? Because if I can't trust you then I don't want you in my life. Don't break previous plans  or tell me you're going to do something and then lie to me about it. One, I can always smell a lie, and if you're lying to me about something so stupid, you don't respect me or our friendship so why even pretend to be friends. If you are in my "inner circle" I trust you explicitly. So lying or being an arse does not bode well for you. My friends know this and even though I'm pretty easy going, there are just some things I can't over look. Maybe it's because I couldn't lie if my life depended on it, seriously, I am a horrible liar. So unfortunately, if you want my honest opinion, you're going to get it and it may not be sugar coated. I'm just saying.

Having said that, why is it there are some people you let get away with 'white lies'? They didn't really lie to you per se, but they didn't tell you the full truth either. Why are there some people that you just continue to give 2nd, 3rd or even 4th chances too? I have several theories about that. Because I consider myself spiritual and believe in higher beings, sometimes I think, perhaps we were in each others lives in another time? I know there have been exes that I had prior lifetimes with. We weren't always lovers but siblings, friends etc. These are the people that when I met them, I had an instant connection to. I meet people all the time, but it's the rare one I meet that I feel pulled to, you know what I mean? Some have even annoyed the living hell out of me, but I kept them around because I couldnt let them go for whatever reason. Then there are the ones you meet and you think to yourself, "if I never see that person again, I'm OK with that." I know we always see "The heart wants what the heart wants" and this applies to friendship as well. It doesn't have to be just a potential lover or more in depth relationship. Sometimes people need you to help them to get a place they need to be and vice versus. I think we can all remember a person we either dated or was besties with where you were inseparable and then wham! They are out of your life. There are those who back away from you, (that never happens to me, I'm just telling a story here lol), and 3 months later you think to yourself, "wait a minute, I haven't spoken with so and so, but you know what? It's OK."

I guess that's why as we grow and move on or change our habits and goals, we should thank those that helped us along our paths even if we feel they didn't value us, they made us the people we are today. Sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not. It's up to you to see the difference.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My sister, Debra.

Tomorrow my sister will be the big 4-0. Lucky for her and me, our parents age very well so she doesn't look like what people assume "40" should look like. Thanks to her I have many more horror stories to share. When she was born I got the title of "Big Sister". I will admit I wasn't completely gung ho about having her, but as we have aged she has become one of my besties. We have known heartache, we are dealing with  grief, we have punched idiots, and we have embraced the ladies we are today. We have had out up and downs in our relationship. At one point we didn't communicate for a few years, which was really hard on our parents. But, I'm quite stubborn, and if I think something, it takes an act of Congress to change my thinking. I also hold grudges, but this isn't about me. This is my "love blog" to her. Yes, I know, I can sing, but I cannot write songs so this is all she gets. She'll be fine. :)

My sister came to us on an August Sunday afternoon. My Mum was convinced she was a boy and had no girl names for back up. Shocker! She wasn't a boy. But what she did have going for her was a hurricane named Debra in South Florida's horizon and bingo, Debra was her name-o. Our parents are quite imaginative, right? I mean I was supposed to be a girl so my name was picked out way before I blessed my parents with my arrival. The beauty of Moi. Anyhoo....

As we grew, I would babysit her when our parents would go out for 'date night'. I remember watching "Creature Feature" Saturday nights and being scared to walk into the kitchen, which was literally 15 steps away. hahahahah. She was an adorable toddler and when she was 2ish she had these two terry cloth "babe-in-suits" that's what she called them, that were white and pink. On the booty was either a sailboat or a fish. Fricking cute as she could be. She had blondish brown hair and a killer tan and even at 2 had a sassy walk. I remember Mum commenting that she was going to be 'something' when she got bigger. Mum was no dummy. Deb turned out to be quite the 'something'.

Debra is not only intelligent, humorous, generous, considerate, loving, fashionista and all round "it" girl, she is my sister. I have other friends I consider 'sisters' but she is my only blood sister. And I am one lucky Princess to have been blessed with her in my life. She had made me a kinder, gentler, more loving person and I wouldn't be half the woman I am today, if not for her. I love you and I am proud to call you my sister as well as my friend. Kissy.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Today I want to discuss relationships.  I have acquaintances and I have friends. I'm not quick to open up to people as I have a general distrust in people of either sex. I'm very intuitive which makes it harder for me to trust and like people. I can tell 10 seconds into meeting you if you are good person or a keep at arms length person. My sister is getting there, finally, but she was always  too generous with her affections and friendships. I would try and warn her and I'm sure if she thinks about it, I was always right in my warnings. But hey, the beauty of me. My Mum and older son have this sense too. My eldest not only looks like me, but sounds like me and thankfully for him, has my hair. You're welcome Skyler. He doesn't give his attentions so easily and maybe our divorce attributed to that. When he was a baby/toddler he would talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Now? You have to earn that right. And I think it's safer quite honestly. Less hurt, drama or threat of harm.

My friend "circle", think Robert DeNiro in "Meet The Fockers", is a small, close knit group. I trust my inner circle with almost everything. Which is big for me. There are still things I keep very close to the vest as I'm sure we all do. When my Dad was sick no one at work was the wiser, it wasn't until I came to grips this was more serious than his previous surgeries that I opened up a tad. After he passed I had my break down and then regrouped. One friend even said that he thought "I handled it really well." Yeah OK, you weren't there in the shower, or in bed when I was sobbing and crying. But outwardly I did hold it together because that's what I have always done and will continue to do. Part of my make up. I'm not saying that people who do break down in public are any less strong than I, but I really am not one to focus attention to myself. I'm OK being in the background, and watching others delight in the spotlight. I know some of you are like "right, you wear a freaking tiara" OK, and? It's a fashion statement, not a "look at me" sign. That's my explanation. Anyway, my friends also know if I want to talk about something I will eventually spill it. Sometimes alcohol will make that spillage sooner rather than later, but if it's bothering me enough, I will share.

My friends also know, I'm here for them anytime, any place, anywhere. I treasure my friends and immediate family because nothing is certain, tomorrow is not guaranteed and I don't want any of my "circle" to ever wonder how I felt about them. Sometimes I may tell them more then they care or want to know, but I have no regrets. If nothing else I can say I tried, I shared and I refuse to feel bad about anything I've shared. Regret will get you nowhere fast and maybe I haven't been as tactful as I could have, but sometimes I have no tact. I have no inner monologue. If I think it. BAM, you know it. And that's not always a bad thing either, my "circle" and I have things to laugh about...Remember, no what if's or  should haves people. Now go out there and tell someone or some friend just how much you like and appreciate them, and wish them all the best!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Mum

Today my Mum turned 75. I can only pray that I look as good as she does at 75. I'm not bad for 800, but I'm on the edge of 900 and my Mum looked good well through her 900's. I have hope. My Mum has taught me a lot in our 800 years of child/mother relationship. She has preached honesty, selflessness, accountability, work ethic, and motherhood, just to name a few. If not for her, I don't think I would be the giving, loving, caring person I CAN be today. I capitalized can because if you get on my bad side, none of those qualities will you ever see again. Promise. If you don't believe me, I can give you references, but I digress from my ode to Mum blog. Now, where was I? Oh yes....

When I was growing up I was an only child until I was 10. Then my parents decided I wasn't enough joy so they had my sister. OK, whatever, I get it. As a parent I wanted my kids to be closer in age but hey, they aren't 10 years apart so score one for me. I'm not going to sugar coat and say I was super excited about having a sibling. Now when I was 5, 6  or 7 heck yes, I wanted a brother or sister. But I didn't get that gift until later. However, better later than never. We weren't close since I had no use at 19 with a 9 year old sister. But when I went through my divorce she was truly a helping hand. Sometimes I even act like the younger sister but I wouldn't trade my place in line. I was lucky enough to have 10 more years with both Mum and Dad alone. I remember one Fall, my parents moved us to Pittsburgh and it was the first time I saw snow, I was so stoked! Mum and I went out that Fall and found turning leaves and she dipped them in wax that she melted so we could decorate the house. I was 9, but you know what? 40 years later and it's still one of my favorite Mummy and Me moments.

I know friends who aren't particularly close with their Mum's and I'm not going to lie, I understand. My Mother and I haven't had the perfect relationship but I don't think there are such things as perfect relationships on any level. I have some friends I want to baby shake, and then I have friends who I don't talk to every day but it's like we never missed a beat when we do talk again. I have some friends who can annoy me but I love them anyway. It would be no fun if everyone were as perfect and sensible as Moi. I mean come on, we need diversity, right? And thanks to my Mum, I can handle any type of person. Whether I choose to or not however, is entirely up to me.

So thanks Mum for all you taught me and showed me. I love you, you get on my last nerve, you are too sappy sometimes, but you're mine and I wouldn't trade you for another Mother ever. Happy Birthday and here's to 75 more!

Vacay and memories..

You know what's great about vacation? Everything! Since I grew up in South Florida, I always go 'home' for my vacays. When I go with my son's, we go to different areas of Florida. My eldest is a beach kid like me while my youngest is a pool kid. No worries Momma can accommodate both her beloveds. I'm currently saving to take them to Europe for our next vacay. :)

This past week I went back to where I grew up. Thanks to Facebook, I am in contact with some high school buddies and I get to spend time with them. Even though we are more age advanced we really haven't changed all that much. I think we all look the same, for the most part. None of us has gone under the knife for face lifts, or lipo, even though we wouldn't mind a little lift, we are all aging naturally. So far. For me vacations are like going to Disney World. It's a fantasy land. You forget all your bills, your worries, family issues, just everything that is less than pleasant.

When I was younger my aunt and her kids would visit us in Florida from Montreal, Canada,. She would take her sweet time getting ready and my Dad , who wasn't known for his patience, would get so mad waiting on her to get dressed and whatever else she was doing he would blow and it was his sister. My cousin and I would get up and be dressed for the beach in 5 minutes, 3 hours later my aunt was ready to take us to the beach. It was so annoying and her speed has not increased with age. But these are the memories I have. And they are good memories that make me laugh. Like when I lit my hair on fire at my grandmother's funeral, or when friends tell jokes and I don't get them. (that still happens today).

When my father passed I was cleaning his bathroom and found "stuff" I wasn't meant to find. But you know what? It makes for a funny story when I relay it to friends. Or when after finding the 'stuff' I put into a room my sister was cleaning so she could find them. I mean, I'm not selfish by any means. Why should I be the only person traumatized. I share. :)...Mum if you are reading this, I'm not telling what we found, these lips are locked.

So as we continue in our month of August, I hope everyone makes some summer memories or vacay memories that they can return to when a pick me up is needed. Isn't that what life is all about anyway?

Monday, June 18, 2012

I never want to see another Father's Day...

As I expected, Father's Day was horrendous. I have been dreading it since May, with all the E-mails of sales, and commercials on TV, then of course, the radio blah blah blah. I made sure my son's had gifts to give their Dad, but it was a very emotional day for me, Debra and our Mum. Thankfully, Deb and I were not alone. We went over to our friend Glenn's house, where his daughter shared the day with him. The pool was fantastic and just what we needed.

 We laughed a lot, and then towards the end of the day, Deb and I found ourselves total nut bags. Now, she is normally the nut bag all by herself, well she and our Mum, but I guess I'm getting 'softer' emotion wise, and I couldn't get a sentence out without crying. And to be clear, I wasn't all sobby-like, but the tears did flow, and quite honestly, they still are.

 I spoke with a friend of mine on my way home, and after hanging up with him, I thought "I need to apologize to him, I had no business talking to anyone, much less someone I like". I sent a 'sorry' text and being the great guy he is, he was completely cool about it. ( a little pun, but not everyone will get it).

Anyhoo, I am thankful I did have my sister to commiserate with though, since we are both suffering his loss, we both get what the other is feeling and going through and I hope I made it easier for her as well. We will being seeing our Mum next weekend as the hospice is having a "Remembrance Service" for people who passed in the same frame our Dad did. How much freaking fun is that going to be? Sooo looking forward to that, I cannot tell you how I am keeping the excitement contained. ;=

But like everything else, we will prevail and suck it up and carry on, because "We are strong, like Bulls!"

Friday, June 8, 2012


I've been on this weight loss program for 37 days, and so far have lost 28 lbs. I still want to lose more, and I know I will. This life style change has taught me to really look at the food we digest into our bodies. On this plan, I have eaten no processed foods, sugars, carbs and minimal fats. I always thought I ate fairly well anyway. I didn't eat fried, except for french fries, I ate a lot of chicken, fish, seafood, turkey that was either broiled, grilled or steamed. Yesterday the company I work for celebrated our 90th Anniversary, amazing I know. But they gave us a picnic and the food supplied was from one of my favorite eateries. It was BBQ but I chose chicken, a spoon of cole slaw, mac & cheese and baked beans. I took one bite of the mac & cheese and all I could taste was the salt, I took a bite of the slaw and it tasted 'off'. My lunch partner, who introduced me to this program, said 'your taste buds will change, things will taste different', and she was right. No worries, I'm not going to become this freak about what I eat to others, but I did realize that I have survived without less than healthy food and I liked it. I guess as we get older and more aware of the things that annoy our body, we have to adhere to the signs. For instance, I have been taking a water pill to reduce swelling, I was hoping after this program I wouldn't need to keep taking, so far no go. I didn't eat that much salt to begin with and on this plan salt is ruled out. No problem for me. However, because of the calorie restriction I haven't been able to do my "Workout By Jillian" tapes. Come Monday though, she is back in the DVR and Shelly and I will be killing ourselves to get toned. I say BRING IT ON JILLIAN! I got this!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pool Time !!!!

It was a beautiful weekend in Atlanta this past weekend. My "Buford Shore" mates, and my girls all gathered around a new watering hole. Matthew has moved into a new abode and with that brought a new pool space. It was freaking spectacular! It felt like we had gone to a resort, that's how nice and roomy this pool is. My fave part was this kiddie wading area for the adults to sit in with..wait for it...chairs and your beer. SA-WEET, right? I made a new friend of sorts, she was in a hot pink one piece and she was probably late 50's early 60's and a little large. She had pink lipstick to match her suit, quite stylish if you ask me. My girls and I go to the pool and this is how we get ready, are you ready? Get up, brush teeth, wash face, put on suit. DONE! We aren't the girls who go to the pool/lake/beach in full face. Gag me. I would suffocate. But I do realize some girls like it, and that's OK. I barely like putting on foundation when I go out or to work, I do it to spare the rest of you having to look at me. I can't see what I look like, what do I care? OK fine, I care, yes, like the others in my fam, I am vain. Sue me. ;0}

...My girls and I are all fairly easy to hang with. As I have said before, we are "guys girls". We like sports, we enjoy going to/watching games, and drinking beer/wine. This makes us perfect if you ask me, and since this IS my blog, I think you did. I know a lot of peeps, but count about a handful as close, and worthy of me sharing anything. My girls are supportive, realist, funny as hell (although how funny is hell? really? I don't think Hitler is down there busting a gut from laughing but oh well). Where was I? Oh right, so when my girls find a guy they like, I am all for it. He needs to treat her right, respect her, take care of her, have her back and obviously, I have to like him. It's never a pretty site if I don't. Believe me. However, as long as you don't spill a drink on me and just laugh, or tell me I cannot do something, we should be good. If my girl is happy, then Princess is happy.

But when my girl gets played, it makes me glad I don't date, geesh, who needs that drama, torment, or wishy washyness? My guy friends have this issue too, it's not just the females. Quite honestly, I don't get it. I'm pretty out front, and if more people were like that, I don't think there would be as many hurt feelings, or misunderstandings. I mean when someone tells you "I'm not date able" and you still continue to date them, what does that say? And I'm here to tell all, you cannot change anyone, anytime, anywhere if they aren't willing or wanting to change for themselves. And my thing is this, if you liked them when you met them, why would you want to change that? Doesn't that mean the person you originally fell for is no longer? I'm all for growing and becoming more enlightened or educated or even more interesting. I've had friends who have dated someone and then a few months into it they suddenly complain about what they initially said attracted them. WTH is that nonsense? Really? So being a bartender was cool but now you need to get a 'real job?' Like your occupation is so inviting. Or they love your sarcasm and wit and then it's 'you pick on me'. Oh for the love, the door is to the right stud.

So in closing, if you like YOU, be the best YOU you can be and when someone truly appreciates YOU, they will like the real YOU, not their version of YOU. Kiss Kiss Hug Hug....

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quotes from my Dad

Last week my dad passed away after almost 8 weeks of being the in the hospital, rehab and finally hospice. As hard as it was on us, it comforts us to know he is no longer in pain and he is Quick Stepping his arse in the great beyond. We will all miss my dad, if for no other reason, than his quick one liners, or his hilarious quotes. I tell my 19 year old son, who wants to be on SNL one day, that grandpa has given him many good characters to share with the rest of the world. My dad was far from perfect, and like all of us, he was a good person at heart. But in my family if you didn't have a thick skin, life sucked for you. None of us give you a break, even down to my 14 year old son, it's a tough world out there, we get you ready.

 My dad taught me a lot of good things and not so 'shareable' things. At the service my mum and sister bravely got up and spoke, I could not. I knew I would try to relate a story and I would crumble, and I'm not big into letting my emotions show. Those of you who know me are taken aback, I know. lol...The other reason I did not speak was I really had no suitable stories. I had some laugh your freaking arse off stories, but I feared the wrath of my mum if I shared those in a church. My sister got up and spoke of what dad meant to her, and how as a daughter what he meant to both of us. I couldn't have done any better. And the best part for Deb? She not only sounded good, but she looked good, and really, isn't that the important thing? She, like my dad, never met a mirror they didn't like and vice versa. My sister looks like my dad, she has his dark coloring and dark eyes. You know what I mean? She gets stopped at Security, where I sail right through. :)....Anyhoo, my mum got up and spoke of how this small surgery turned into quite the catastrophe and ultimately his death. But you know? It makes me happy to know that now dad is every where I go. Although I'm hoping he will stay outside when it's shower time etc. Oh Stop, he would laugh and you know it!

Like all parents, dad tried his best and I know he loved me no matter what. But then I was supposed to be a girl and I was, not so much for my sister. But I guess he loved her too, I mean you have to, right? hahahahaha...Sorry Deb, love you long time...Just trying to keep this light, because my dad was where I learned how to wear the stoic badge. I never saw him cry, until he was dying, he always kept a stiff upper lip and kept his emotions to himself. Now, if he were mad? Oh yeah, like me, you saw it. No question there. But I'm not going to sit and snivel in front of people because that's not how I am wired.  I've received quite the nickname list due to this. "Ice Princess", "Refrigerator", and my favorite comment "you're cold as ice", hey it was a song, how bad could it be? I know, I know, I personally don't view crying as a weakness for other people. You're upset and want to cry and bawl? Go for it, I will be your shoulder to cry on. But if I should cry, I don't need colluding, patting or hugging. That makes it worse for me. I will wrap this up with some of my dad's fave lines. Ahem..."The thing is this, if you know what I mean", "Now, I'm not saying she/he's fat but..." and my mum's personal nugget, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MARILYN!!!!" Love you Dad, always did and always will. XXXXOOO

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A new month means new beginnings, right?

I figure since we are so close to Easter, I would use an Easterly font. Egg like, right? So, we now are in month 4 of a 12 month year. With the Spring weather upon us, that means pool weekends are knocking at my door. I got into cleaning and missed today's pool opening. There is always next weekend, and I am going to be on that chaise lounger like a fat kid on sugar. This time of year shows us new trees blooming, flowers pushing up and sprouting, and new relationships that may come our way. 
 My dad has been in the hospital for the last few months. I'm hoping this month of April brings him home and brings him back 100% to us. I realize we all get older, not all of us are ageless, however, watching your parents get sick and lose parts of themselves is not something I enjoy or want to see. I like to live in my cozy world of denial, and I've done it quite a few times. But ailing parents aren't really something you can deny or ignore. The thing to remember are good times, the fun stories and the annoying things that you love. Everyone needs a good cry every once in awhile, I don't think daily is needed, but I cry only once a year, so who am I to comment? What is my point you are asking? Um, excellent question, I don't know if I really had one per se or just needed to release my thoughts in a non emotional environment. Kiss Kiss to you all. May April rock your worlds!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Please forgive me, it's been weeks since my last blog..7 hail Mary's and ...

Heyyyy, how are you all doing? Considering the last month my fam has had, I still have a sense of humor. However, if you met my units and sister, you would know why. I texted my youngest son, on the way to picking him up, "you ho?' and his reply was "i'm no ho and yes I am home." I explain to him how he was being a smart arse. Everybody in my circle knows, that when I say "HO" I mean home. Even at work, I will send a household that needs to be combined and put "Auto" connect to "HO" they all know what I mean, but then, I AM THE PRINCESS and even work folk know that. It's just the way it is, I didn't give myself that title, it was given to me. Who am I to deny? My sister's nickname, that she acquired through work mates, is "Diva" and she is every bit that moniker. Those who know her are agreeing with me. :)...I love her bc she's my sister and well, she's all I have. I don't mean that in a bad way, but other than our laugh, sense of humor , we do not look alike.  The good thing is we never like the same type of man either. Hers are usually swarthy latino types and I would rather be seen with a wrestling look alike. But hey, we are blood and there we are. My whole family is sarcastic, witty, quick and intelligent. No moss grows on our butts. And lord help you if we are pissed off at you, no kid gloves then. Our thinly veiled threats, or looks, will let you know, you need to either leave or shut the hell up before we beat you. We get that look from our mother, and it's not the traditional mother stare either. It's almost like a demon takes over. But hey, you've been warned.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Family Ties

So this week has been quite interesting and stressful. My dad had been in the hospital for two weeks. He needed to have leg surgery and thankfully, because he was not "an emergency" he kept getting bumped down the list. Finally had his surgery Monday, then they couldn't get him regulated and he had a fever so they took him back in last Saturday. Turned out they had a bleeder that popped open. I know, I know, all of our first comment was 'don't you check for those things BEFORE you close?' My mum was a surgical nurse before she was blessed with me. But a nurse is still a nurse till she dies. After getting updates of dad's progresses Deb and I decided to try and ease her stress and drive up last Sunday. I didn't want to jinx myself, so I specifically did not pack an overnight bag. Yea well, that didn't work out. Deb was smarter and packed for a few days plus she was able to do some work as well. I don't have that luxury with my job, but thankfully, she does. My dad is a capable, intelligent man, normally. As I was sitting in his room, he would wake up and not really know where he was. He knew us, I mean how could you forget us? But he did say things like "we own Erlanger" and "his new name was Keke" and random stuff like that. But when the doc asked him the year, he got it, asked him his name, he got that. So he was rational on some level. I will tell you, as I age, I don't care for watching my parents age and that's all I will say. When I was growing up I had both sets of grandparents. My mum's lived in FL and NY depending on the season, and my dad's parents lived in Montreal, Canada, eh? So every two years we would drive up from the bottom of FL to the top of NY to visit family. I only saw my dad's parents at these visits. My Ukrainian grandma, BaBa, was unique. She had lost her mind, literally, when my dad was a baby. Baba wore tunics and turbans before they were chic. She was always smiling, sometimes laughing and trying to feed you. Always good grub from that household. My grandfather, DziDzi,(gigi) would make salad that we called soggy salad bc he would put the dressing on before we got there, but it was spectacular. My Baba was usually in her own world talking to herself, and when I was young I thought it was Ukrainian but not so much. It was Baba speak. I'm told she was a huge fan of babies who peed straight so I know she would have loved my kids. Both were blond haired and blue eyed and could be hers. However, I might never have gotten them back if she had met them. My dad and his big sis Mary, are both dark hair, dark eyes. Their brother was blond and blue. Baba was blond and blue and even in pj's with a turban, she could rock it. I would just sit there and let her babble on and go "yes, mhm, oh really?' We had good talks. Come to think of it, maybe that's why I talk to myself? hmmmm...My cousin grew up with both of them so she got to know them better than I. She was still living in Montreal and my dad married my mum and said 'we are out of here'. The reason I bring this up, as my dad was going on with his stories, my mum started having flashbacks on Baba. But here's the key item mum, Baba was incoherent, at least dad speaks English and he may say some out of world stuff, but he hasn't adapted the turban look or taken his teeth out. Silver lining lady, silver lining.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a stress free holiday. I know my fam did. This year I got my babies on Christmas day. My parents drove down from Chattavega that morning. My sis had come over the night before and we hit a local spot I've come to love. We got to see interesting dance moves, while she, I and the bartender begged it to stop. An 80's band was playing and they were good. Our fave DJ was flipping discs before and during band breaks. We met two brothers out to celebrate the season so that went well with two sisters out celebrating the season. Fun times. So Christmas morning, my eldest played the Christmas Elf. This is the person who has the honor of handing out the presents to everyone else. When the boys were young, they never did it. So this year was beloved #1's turn. He did an admirable job too. My kids are really not too picky about clothes, just games. My dad thought my mum needed 3 pair of slippers so she got those, the 3 of us girls got Gator Earrings, don't be jealous. In the evening we had our traditional dinner of Roast Beast, rolls, wine, potato's of some sort, and a veggie with vino and desserts. Did I say wine twice? Hum, anyway, all was delicious. It's always nice to just sit around the dinner table and enjoy your fam without feeling rushed. NYE Deb and I decided that safety was first so we stayed home and enjoyed a fantastic dinner and watched Ryan Seacrest and Anderson Cooper with Kathy Griffin. They are by far my fave duo. She scares the bejesus out of him, so he giggles like a school girl all the while she is making faces to the camera like 'got him!' Too funny. I used to make resolutions but always would either forget them, or break them by the 2nd week of January. So I am making a life resolution. I want to get into better shape, eat healthier and save a lot of money so that next NYE Deb and I can be in a different city experiencing that celebration! Hope you all find what you are looking for or not looking for this year. May all of our dreams, plans, and resolutions come true. Muah!