Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Please forgive me, it's been weeks since my last blog..7 hail Mary's and ...

Heyyyy, how are you all doing? Considering the last month my fam has had, I still have a sense of humor. However, if you met my units and sister, you would know why. I texted my youngest son, on the way to picking him up, "you ho?' and his reply was "i'm no ho and yes I am home." I explain to him how he was being a smart arse. Everybody in my circle knows, that when I say "HO" I mean home. Even at work, I will send a household that needs to be combined and put "Auto" connect to "HO" they all know what I mean, but then, I AM THE PRINCESS and even work folk know that. It's just the way it is, I didn't give myself that title, it was given to me. Who am I to deny? My sister's nickname, that she acquired through work mates, is "Diva" and she is every bit that moniker. Those who know her are agreeing with me. :)...I love her bc she's my sister and well, she's all I have. I don't mean that in a bad way, but other than our laugh, sense of humor , we do not look alike.  The good thing is we never like the same type of man either. Hers are usually swarthy latino types and I would rather be seen with a wrestling look alike. But hey, we are blood and there we are. My whole family is sarcastic, witty, quick and intelligent. No moss grows on our butts. And lord help you if we are pissed off at you, no kid gloves then. Our thinly veiled threats, or looks, will let you know, you need to either leave or shut the hell up before we beat you. We get that look from our mother, and it's not the traditional mother stare either. It's almost like a demon takes over. But hey, you've been warned.

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