You know? When I'm out mowing, I have a million thoughts exploding in my tiny little brain to blog about. Then I come in and go to 'share' and I'm trying to figure out what to discuss. SQUIRREL!...
Anyhoo, let's see. What do I want to shine a light on today? Hmmm, how about friends? This past week, I had a "Come to Jesus" meeting with several friends on my roster. I enjoy being the girl who can have several types of friends, if you will. The one friend you won't see in my kennel is a lying friend. Why? You ask? Because if I can't trust you then I don't want you in my life. Don't break previous plans or tell me you're going to do something and then lie to me about it. One, I can always smell a lie, and if you're lying to me about something so stupid, you don't respect me or our friendship so why even pretend to be friends. If you are in my "inner circle" I trust you explicitly. So lying or being an arse does not bode well for you. My friends know this and even though I'm pretty easy going, there are just some things I can't over look. Maybe it's because I couldn't lie if my life depended on it, seriously, I am a horrible liar. So unfortunately, if you want my honest opinion, you're going to get it and it may not be sugar coated. I'm just saying.
Having said that, why is it there are some people you let get away with 'white lies'? They didn't really lie to you per se, but they didn't tell you the full truth either. Why are there some people that you just continue to give 2nd, 3rd or even 4th chances too? I have several theories about that. Because I consider myself spiritual and believe in higher beings, sometimes I think, perhaps we were in each others lives in another time? I know there have been exes that I had prior lifetimes with. We weren't always lovers but siblings, friends etc. These are the people that when I met them, I had an instant connection to. I meet people all the time, but it's the rare one I meet that I feel pulled to, you know what I mean? Some have even annoyed the living hell out of me, but I kept them around because I couldnt let them go for whatever reason. Then there are the ones you meet and you think to yourself, "if I never see that person again, I'm OK with that." I know we always see "The heart wants what the heart wants" and this applies to friendship as well. It doesn't have to be just a potential lover or more in depth relationship. Sometimes people need you to help them to get a place they need to be and vice versus. I think we can all remember a person we either dated or was besties with where you were inseparable and then wham! They are out of your life. There are those who back away from you, (that never happens to me, I'm just telling a story here lol), and 3 months later you think to yourself, "wait a minute, I haven't spoken with so and so, but you know what? It's OK."
I guess that's why as we grow and move on or change our habits and goals, we should thank those that helped us along our paths even if we feel they didn't value us, they made us the people we are today. Sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not. It's up to you to see the difference.
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