Thursday, February 23, 2017

Drunk Texting....Ugh

Is this EVER a good idea? I mean, good lord. I had done really well for about a year, and then I went and celebrated National Margarita Day last night and had a margarita and that went out the window. There is a reason I don't do liquor. I'm ok if I don't have any thoughts brewing in my head, (a recent convo with someone, or a comment that was made that stuck in my claw) but if I have kept the offense to myself and have a cocktail, all bets are off kids.

I am mindful not to call names or anything like that, but I was told that I like to "poke the bear" which loosely translates to one person as, calling them out. I don't let people get away with a behavior or their ego. I will bring you back down to reality if you start thinking you are too good for things or that you are better than a situation. Not in a mean way but just in my normal sarcastic tone.

I see posts on Facebook where people talk about putting an app on their phone so they have to give a password or enter a puzzle before they are allowed to submit a text. I highly believe that's a fantastic idea. I'm sure it would save tons of embarrassment, hurt feelings, or fights.

In closing I leave you with this. Drunk texting is bad, hiding your phone when you have been drinking, is good. Or giving your phone to a friend so you won't tempt yourself to "maybe send a little note". ABORT ABORT!!!!

As always, thanks for reading and kiss kiss hug hug. And tell someone you like something about them today. Stranger or friend, it will make their day, I guarantee it. :)

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