Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dating Tips I've Learned....

Sometimes things we think we know we really don't know and then we freak and panic and wonder what to do. Lucky for me I have people to bounce my horrible texting ideas to and sometimes I listen and more often than not, I do what I want. LOL. Let's see if I can assist others in not making some crucial mistakes, shall we?

1. No matter how excited you get don't show your complete joy. You can show happiness without peeing on yourself like a puppy.

2. If you send a text, wait for an answer before you submit another text. You don't want to bombard someone with multiple texts making you appear as if you have nothing else going on in your life and now you come off as a stalker or stalker to be.

3. DO NOT and I cannot stress this one enough, if you have gone out with a person and it was a pleasant experience but you don't know how the other person is feeling, don't ask what they wear to bed, or to the pool or what kind of underwear they sport. It was one date, you have more time to get there. As a woman all I see is you are thinking nothing but sex and if I was even remotely wanting to go out with you a second time, you just killed it.

4. If someone tells you their natural color is red, don't immediately look at their roots. Bad form and you just lost their interest. And for heaven's sake do not ask them if their 'curtains match their rug'. OMG.

5. If you are digging someone, doesn't matter if they are male or female but they tell you not to fall for them because they will break your heart LISTEN TO THEM. They know themselves and aren't trying to make themselves sound like a catch. RUN FORREST RUN. Now, if you feel you have already fallen and feel like you might as well sleep with them, then go right ahead. At least get a good story and life is short. You never know when you'll get laid again. :)

Kiss Kiss Hug Hug and much love to you all. Remember, today is all we have, make it a day you enjoy!

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