Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving or in my case every 7 or so years...MY BIRTHDAY!

When I was younger my Mum would make us our favorite meal for our birthday. I was always so excited because my meal was always cabbage rolls with meat and rice. Yummmo! But I remember one year it fell on Thanksgiving and I was somewhat annoyed because I had to spend it with people I didn't really care for. Let me explain. My parents always invited people who didn't have plans or family for the holidays. This particular year, this douche that worked for my Dad, was coming. He was such an elitist and really had no reason to be. Dude was gangly, ugly and just down right boring. But alas, I had to be nice, which anyone who knows me knows, I don't do nice.

So this year I was outside, being in south Florida I could do that, and douche and his then girlfriend, whom was pretty as I recall, shockingly,  come up the stairs to our apartment. He made some comment and I mumbled something snide, I'm sure you all cannot even fathom that, and not 10 minutes later Dad came out to have a chat. My Dad was NOT the authority parent, that fell to Mum but in his defense, she did do a bang up job with it. Anyhoo, he came out and told me something to the effect that today we need to be thankful because it's a day we celebrate our friends, family and whatever else spin he was trying to put on it. I know it may hard to believe, but I could be rather bratty, not so much anymore, hee hee...

As I look upon this Turkey day, it happens to fall on the Princess birthday yet again and me and my sons, and Mum are heading over to my BFF from high school, Stephanie's hizzy. I can only imagine how delicious this meal will be as her huzband is an Executive Chef and she is quite the hostess with the mostess. I'm convinced this moniker was named for her. I will be bringing Lobster Mac and Cheese a favorite of my sons, and Cheesecake Factory's Pumpkin Pie cheesecake, I think I just gained another 10 pounds. Bleck.

I wish all of you and your family a very happy, safe, and drama free holiday! Kiss kiss...