As I have blogged about before, I completely believe in karma, positive thoughts, believing in your gut and your own intuition.
I'm sure you have all heard of the book "The Secret" and others like it. The reason that book/video works and sold so much is because we all know this information, but I think sometimes we need another source to tell us it's ok to actually believe in it and practice it. I have had dreams and thoughts come to fruition. For example:
When I was trying to get pregnant I did what most of us do, prayed for a child. After a few years I had a dream and saw what Beloved #1 actually looked like. At the time we were living in Cali but the house I saw was the house we moved into when we moved to GA. I never saw the GA house until I drove up. . When I drove up to the house and saw my "dream" house, I knew I was going to have a child. And with infertility, a lot of the battle, is you get so obsessed with your cycles, and your diet and your moods etc, that it consumes your life, your relationships and sometimes your job. I had this feeling that it was going to be ok. I would be blessed and I was. And he did look just like my dream. When I was trying for Beloved #2, same thing. He didn't take as long to achieve. I was telling people at work I was pregnant and everyone kept saying how I looked like I was carrying a girl, much to my horror, I never wanted girls, anyway, that night I had a dream and B2 was shown to me. And again, he came out and looked just like my dream.
I firmly believe if we put our selves in a quiet zone where we focus on what it is we truly want, we can achieve it. It may not happen tomorrow or next week, but it will come to fruition. Some of my thoughts I know people would think I was cray cray if I ever shared, but my heart, gut and intuition, all tell me, it will happen. I know some of you are wondering, "but what if it doesn't happen?" Well, I try not to think negatively with regards to those thoughts, but if for some reason my wants don't appear there must be a very good reason. That's my story and I'm sticking to that reasoning. :)
People, life is short, as we all know, and if you have goals or dreams, get busy and make those happen. WE are in control of our own destiny no one else has the power, at least no one else should have the power. You take care of you, and do your best, and good things will happen. We all get a little down every now and then, just don't stay down. Get up, get focused and get what YOU want out of YOUR life.
Till we meet again, love you much, kiss kiss hug hug...Stay focused.