Friday, October 21, 2016

Delusion or Positive Thinking...that is the question

When do you get to the point of asking yourself,  "Am I being delusional, or is it just taking longer?" Say you have an image of what your life should be and you put that positive thought out in the universe daily, maybe even several times a day, and it hasn't happened yet. When is it time to refocus your image? Obviously, it takes longer than a day, week or even a month, but if it's been a year or 2 years, should you give up?

I was rereading "The Secret" and there was a passage about how some people are so close to their manifestation but they have doubt because it was taking so long and the universe said "OK, you don't want it." And it never came to fruition. Anytime I have a doubt I throw it right out with a positive reply. (yes, I do talk to myself and we have lovely conversations, thank you)

If my feeling of an outcome is strong, I refuse to give it up but again I come back to "Am I delusional?" Of course my bestie Holly, would never say "yes, you are a total nut job, let it go" but it does make me wonder. Now her husband on the other hand, thinks I am completely bonkers, but he just doesn't appreciate the wonder and amazement that is me. LOL. At least that's my take. :)

In closing I just want to say this to you all. If you have a dream about your future, and you feel strongly about this outcome, never give up. Just make sure this manifestation you are creating isn't anything harmful to you or another. That is totally bad Karma and I wholeheartedly believe in Karma. Thus why I may complain about idiot co workers, I do say prayers for them nightly. I don't wish them harm, I just want them to mind their own biznass and focus on work, is that asking too much? Apparently, it is. But not everyone was raised with work ethic or a conscience. I was lucky enough to have been.

Hope all of you have a Happy Halloween and lovely rest of your fall. Till we meet again, hug hug, kiss kiss. Muah....