Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bullies PART 2

My first born just doesn't get how some people are easy skinny. And I have talked with him and my ex regarding razzing on my other son. they wouldn't think of saying something to a person at school or on the street, because they don't find that 'acceptable or kind' um, making your brother feel like crap is also not part of the 'big brother' code either. He looks to you for guidance, not insecurity. Especially in this world as is it now, we need to love our family and friends, treat people with respect, generosity, kindness. It shouldn't be just for strangers, start at home. It breaks my heart when number two says something, while fluffing it off as them 'joking'. My ex doesn't joke, at least he says things with medical meaning vs his brother who is just down right cruel sometimes. Ok, ok, I MAY tend to be a smidgen sensitive about the issue, I used to get called names when I was younger by idiot schoolmates. But never, ever, by my blood. I also don't want you who read this, to think that number 2's life is a living hell, it's not, and he knows they both love him, and want him to succeed. Number 1 has number 2's back if outside forces attack. But dayum son, you break my heart when you do this to your brother and you don't have to.....Please rethink your comments and if you need to make any, make them constructive, helpful, encouraging. Because that's what you would do for a friend or outsider, and you know it....I might even be PMSing, but dang it, don't pick on momma's baby!

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