Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Things I've learned in the last 900 years of being me

As I reflect on stupid mistakes, or uninformed errors, I have come to realize that like the highways that lead us to our physical destinations,  little clues from interactions with people,  lead us on our personal highways. Below are just a smidgen of the ones I have remembered to really listen to in the future and they are in no particular order, just as I recalled them to write them down:

1. If someone tells you "I want it all, I want to be a kid in a candy store and I want you", tell Willy Wonka adios.

2. If someone appears selfish initially, she really is THAT selfish in the long run.

3. If you only hear from someone at their convenience, they are not a friend.

4. If your physical therapist, whom you've maybe had 2 convo's with, tells you to "slow down and enjoy life because if you don't God will slow you down himself",  I'm thinking that's a sign I'm not supposed to work 7 days a week.

5. That old saying that we all had posters of on our bedroom wall, "If you love something set it free" etc, it's actually quite spot on. Because if somebody truly cares about you, loves you, needs you, they will go out of their way to get you back and let you know just how much they care. Now, I'm not saying you want them back, and it could get quite messy if you no longer feel the same, but that's a different blog.

6. Time really does fly. When my first beloved was born, the first most amazing day of my life, other Mom's and my own parents said "treasure these days as they will grow up before you know it", and side bar, I actually teared up writing that line, sniff, where was I? Oh right, SQUIRREL!  They really do seem like only yesterday. But now he is a tall, strapping man of 20. And I'm an old hag looking on the down side of death. Oh joy. (sarcasm)

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