This week I had the delightful return of Vertigo. For those who don't know what this is, it's when your mind decides to f*ck with you. It's quite similar to having one too many adult beverages except when you wake in the morning, it doesn't leave. You experience dizziness, feeling foggy headed (which let's be honest, I already suffer from this without help), sometimes a headache will accompany it. The worst I had ever had was the very first time I was graced with this affliction. We were at my Mum's house celebrating her birthday, so it was August. I had a sinus infection a few weeks before and they thought maybe that triggered it. I go to get out of my parent's bed, since there was four of us, they gave us their room. Beloved #2 was 10 months, and just the cutest, naturally. He woke me up to change him. I picked him up, the room started spinning, and I literally, threw him to his daddy and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I then laid my arse down on the bathroom floor and didn't move. Baby daddy came in after an hour and dragged me out to the side of the bed because he needed to take a shower. Yeah, don't worry about me down here almost paralyzed, take your shower, yea, nice. I say paralyzed as any movement to my head and the room would spin and instant nausea hit.
After 8 hours of laying in this same spot, they called the ambulance as I was dehydrated not being able to drink and or eat. Great diet, right? Anyhoo, my Beloved #1 was soooo cute telling the paramedics to 'take care of my mommy'. Now he would probably just tell them to move me because I was blocking the TV and he couldn't play his games. Love you Skyler. :) My Mum rides with me to the hospital and they inject me with saline and then give me an anti-nausea medicine. After a few hours they let me leave since Mum was a nurse, they knew I would be ok. Back to bed I went and stayed there for 3 days as I could not sit up without puking. I have to do the unthinkable and let my baby daddy drive us from Chattanooga to our home in Lawrenceville. Haven't I suffered enough I ask?
Since that began 17 years ago I occasionally have a recurrence. Thankfully, nothing as bad as the initial time. Usually, it starts when I roll over to the right for sleep, and my body sends a message to my brain that says "ABORT! ABORT!" and I have to roll over either on my back or to the left.
There is no cure, but they give you meds like you were sea sick. I have tried accupuncture and this trick my ENT showed me. You'll love this little nugget, you lay on your side and wait for the spinning to stop and then you roll, yes I said roll, to the other side in a complete circle to move the crystals back into place. Basically, Vertigo is a condition where the "rocks" in your ears become loose and offset your balance. By doing this trick it's supposed to put them back in the correct spot. Sounds fun, right?
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and until we meet again, kissy kissy.
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