Thursday, January 22, 2015

Office Etiquette

Come on people, we don't need a class on how to walk down the hallway, do we? It's just like driving. You are walking down the hallway, corridor, path etc. Someone approaches you, you should be walking on the right side, they should be walking on the right side so that when you come to meet up, everybody is walking on the right side and you pass each other with ease and no touching.

Apparently some of the arseholes I work with, don't know how to drive. I just came down the aisle and two guys were coming towards me walking side by side, what's the polite thing to do? One douche steps either behind or in front of his friend so they are single file, but what does this moron do? He comes at me face to face. I had to stop to let him go by, excuse me? What happened to letting ladies go by or protecting them from the street etc. Dude was babbling about some bs and if I hadn't been looking, he would have ran me over, even though he was looking right at me. Not like I was invisible asshat.

That's about as annoying as when you are at the store with a shopping cart, and two hags are cart to cart blocking the aisle so they can discuss whose kid is smarter. I just stand there and glare until one of them finally stops thinking the world revolves around her and notices they are blocking all of us sane people who are just trying to get some groceries. Another fun thing is when you are online for whatever and people try to worm their way in front of you. Yeah, not on my watch sugar lips. Get here in a timely fashion and you won't have to worry about being a rude bitch or dick, whichever gender you identify with.

I had a friend who hated people about as much as I do and I got him a tee that read "Don't Fuck With Me", I should have gotten two.

Kiss kiss grump grump

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