Thursday, April 9, 2015

In my mind

Summer is here! This past weekend my pool peeps and I all got together to christen another Summer season. ahhhhhhhhhh. It was heavenly. Because the water still had a chill to it, we didn't swim but we did lay out. All of us were glistening with sunscreen and sun's kisses. It was divine actually. We had Trilla, and it was their pool, then we had Kashew, and Michelle and her friend and Candace and I. Candace and I were the first to arrive and we got the table cleaned up and set the food in the fridge and then we cracked open a cold one. Me an energy drink and her an adult beverage. The 3 other couples followed shortly there after.

By then it was really warm outside and two of the ladies stripped down to their bikini's bc they can rock those b*tches. The rest of us stayed in our clothes. I wore shorts and a tank so I was able to get tanned on my arms and legs and face. It was just pure delight. Being a FL girl, I love the beach but since I'm too far to drive to that each weekend, we do the pool, and that's ok. This particular pool is 5 minutes away from my house, so I love it even more. Plus this pool is where I met my Buford Shore, Matthew and Keith. It brings back fond memories for me as well. I was telling Candace how I met both of them and what fun we had a few years ago.

We all brought food to cook out and then we brought sides to share. The grill was a coal one so it took forever to heat up. Safe to say some people had baked potato al dente, if you know what I mean.

I cannot wait for this weekend and then subsequent weekends until Septemberish. Where more shenanigans, drinks, and food, and always big laughs will ensue. God bless the Summer and God Bless the pool we get to surround. I almost feel as giddy as Clark Griswald when he gets his Christmas lights all aglow. Thank you, thank you, thank you Universe for the great people I get to spend my weekends with.

Till we meet again, kiss kiss, hug hug. Muah!

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