Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Childhood Memories

I was just in an Employee Performance Review and retold a favorite memory, and thought, why not share? So here it is.

I consider Southern Florida my home, specifically North Palm Beach as that's where I lived from 10-17. They were wonderful, beach filled, country club filled years that I adored. In high school I swam for the North Palm Beach Country Club and also Suncoast High School. I remember not being able to drive yet, so that meant me and my two neighbors, David and Karen, who also swam, would have to ride our 10 speeds to the country club for practice 4 days a week. I think it was a 15-20 minute bike ride and then we practiced for 2 hours and rode home. Thinking about it now, it's no wonder I would woof down anything my Mum made for dinner. That's a lot of exercise and why I wasn't a rail is beyond me, but whatever.

The thought of letting either of my beloveds ride a bike that far and at night is horrifying and I wouldn't allow them to do it. But back then we were safe and it was the three of us, and who is going to hassle two teen girls and a boy, apparently, no one because we all lived into adulthood.

I recall our coach was kind of a hard arse and he pushed us, but we were tough and could take it. I know you all think 'Alana let someone push her around?' Yes, teen Alana was not the "I don't think so homey" she is today. I do recall mouthing off somewhat but I think that was more complaining how cold the pool water was in the cooler months. That's more Princessy type stuff and I'm really not a prissy girl, but I don't like cold water when it's cold outside either. And don't sit there and say Florida doesn't get cold in the winter months, I beg to differ with you. Especially if you grew up in that atmosphere. 50 or below is cold and to jump into a pool is even chillier, so shut it. :) At least the northern states had indoor pools to wade around in, we did not have this luxury.

I so enjoyed being a part of the country club though. Every Fourth of July they did their own fireworks and I just remember them being so spectacular. We would all go pooling during the day, go home and eat and come back with blankets and watch on the golf course. So much fun filled with  social interactions. It was like what subdivisions are now, that closeness you have and every one knowing who's kid you were etc. I know I sound like some 90 year old recalling his youth, but it really wasn't that long ago. More years than I want to admit to, but not like the 1800's.

Hope you all have fond memories of your childhoods that you share with your kids, friends, co workers and that they make you smile like I did.

Until we meet again, kiss kiss hug hug and tell the people in your life just how much they mean to you because tomorrow is never promised.

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