Friday, January 29, 2016

Valentine's Day (this year Black Sunday)

As I've gotten older I have really come to loathe this day, and it's not for the reason you might think. I don't need ONE specific day to tell a special someone how much I love them. That needs to be done every day. I hate how we all buy into the hype of flowers, dinners, gifts, surprises etc. Now chocolate should be consumed daily, not just on February 14th. I mean come on, what are we cavemen?

Back in the day, I showered by boyfriends, or husband with gifts. I did special things, like post in the paper how much I loved him, or planned getaways. So I'm not immune in showing my love for someone. Once I got divorced my two beloveds became by Valentine's. Even when I had boyfriends, my two sons were #1 in my heart that day, well everyday.

Now they would look at me and roll their beautiful blue eyes at me, but that's a whole different blog. Beloved #2 has a girlfriend this year, so I'm sure he will do someone really fresh and sweet. He's that guy. He's the sweet sappy love muffin some of you dream about. I say some of you, because sometimes someone that sicky sweet makes me want to hurl. :)

As you can see this blog is quite short in comparison to most of my entries. I guess that's because this particular subject makes me violently ill. lol..

This year I will have my adorable puppy Gigi to shower with Valentine gifts. No chocolate of course, but she will get yet another new toy and absolutely the cutest little tee shirt or sweater to wear. I'm not totally heartless, just don't have much of a heart left.

Hugs and non Valentine kisses to you all. And if you choose to celebrate that dreadful day, do it! Go big, you never know if it will be your last one.

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