Since we are all individual and unique, I know each of us has a different way with dealing with either strife, or confrontation. I personally try not to deal with either but things do happen on this crazy road we call Life. As I've gotten older if I feel someone has disrespected me, or lied to me I will avoid them and it doesn't make a difference if they are family, co worker or friend. I would just rather fade away and not look back. This is where I get called "heartless". I'm sorry, if family mistreats you, they are no different than a person you call a friend, other than sharing DNA. Just because they are family that's not an automatic "pass" to be a hag. Not in my world.
Back in my younger days, and sometimes if I get really pissed off I still may flip, but I wouldn't think twice about ripping someone and that was before we had cell phones. (yes, I'm that old, I told you I was 900). I have a quick temper on some things, and recently someone told me that I needed to 'think about things, let it process before I respond'. To which I replied "Go fuck yourself", but he had a point. And since that helpful tidbit, I have tried to put the phone down and think about what I want to reply with before I snap and just spew. I have also learned through the years, that I don't name call when I'm angry. I still name call but now it's in fun. I do not pull crap from the past and throw it at someone. We all make mistakes and each day is a new opportunity to change your behavior or help another instead of hurt one another.
I do not go out of my way to annoy someone or start a fight. However, if you pick one and I feel strongly about the subject, I will retaliate with comments. I don't like being angry with someone, and I loathe being hurt or treated like crap. I am one of those people that if I value you and our relationship and I feel a change in attitude I will confront you and inquire as to what I did or what has happened. If you choose not to discuss it, I will walk away. If you don't want to be in my life, that is your business and I will not beg you to be. No hard feelings.
I like to think I'm a caring, trusted, fun, responsible friend, but I know I have flaws. If you want to share those with me, go ahead. I'm not that spoiled that if you should try I'm going to take my toys and play elsewhere. I am a grown arse woman, I can handle it. I promise, I will not dissolve like sugar in the rain. Trust me on this.
Bottom line is this, as I have stated many times before, Life is Short, Life can be Hard, but you know what buttercup? so are we. If you just try to be the best YOU that YOU can be, no one can fault you and if they do, again, that's their business and their own issue.
Until we speak again, hug hug, kiss kiss.
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