Monday, August 1, 2011

A few things you all should know

For starters; I create my own words, have been doing it for years. My family calls it the "Alanary". Catchy, right? I know, my family is quite amusing, as you will read in the future. I am a divorced woman with two cherished sons, they will either be called "hoodlums" or 'heir and the spare". Not going to lie, I stole that from Princess Diana. I was a year younger than her, but for some reason, felt connected to her. And not in a weirdo way. She had two sons she would die for, I do as well, she had a less than happy marriage, ditto. However, my mother in law was not the Queen, she was a farmer in Minnesota, but I digress.

For the last 16 years, I have worked for a large company and I truly love my job. I know a lot of us cannot say that, but I do. It's diverse enough on a daily basis, that a Sagittarius like me, doesn't get bored. Yep, I threw out the horoscope. I believe in Psychics, Mediums, Ghosts and paranormal. I have always been fascinated with this belief we are not alone and when we pass, we don't die. Keeps me happy to know that should I leave my sons, I can at least watch over them, or look up, where
ever I land. :)

Ok, so what else? I have a very sarcastic sense of humor, that isn't my fault. I have been this way since I could remember. In 5th grade, I clearly recall a boy wanting to beat me up for my mouth. Well guess what? I've yet to get beaten up, and my mouth is still sassy. I grew up a young lass in Southern Florida. North Palm Beach to be specific. I loved that town, and still do. My goal is to return once my 'hoodlums' see how I did that?, complete school. I have one sibling, a sister who is 10 years younger than me, but we both act the same age. I will let you guess whether that's mature or not. We aren't childish, but we can have fun doing silly things that harm no one but ourselves. My parents are a unique couple. Mum had a priviledged upbringing in Syracuse, NY. I like to think Tom Cruise and I were born in the same hospital. He was in July, me in November. But I'll keep moving, and no, I do not jump on couches to declare my love for another human being, a Panda bear, naturally. Who wouldn't? Anywaaaaaayyy, my father came to Syracuse from the lovely country called Canada. He was a dancer for Arthur Murray dance studios when they met. They met in December 1961, married January 1962, and moi was born November 1962. However, January was the elope date, imagine my horror when I was dusting at 11 years old, (because my mum, like I'm sure most used me as her cleaning woman) and saw the Wedding Announcement date of April 1962. I will admit, math is not my forte, but even this was clear to Stevie Wonder. My beloved grandmother almost had a heart attack along with me, the thought of me thinkng I was a 'bastard" was too much for Beulah. But mum cleared it up rght away. My parents were soooo in love they eloped to South Carolina, to get married. Upon returning to Syrcacuse, Beulah, was not happy and said 'it wasn't proper, and no daughter of hers was going to elope' so they had the April shindig. If you look at the wedding photos, you can sort of see me smiling under the gown. :)

Ok, so one sister, 10 years younger, hoards of great friends,  two teenage sons. One is starting college this fall, and the other is a Senior at his Middle School. Not to sound like grandpa Joe, but when I was in school, we had Elementary, Jr High and then High School. All equally horrible, you remember I had boys wanting to beat me up? Every grade report was the same too, "Alana does not play well with others". Actually, Alana does play well with others, when she can hear them. At the age of 16, we found out that thanks to my dad's side we have nerve damage in the ears. Lucky us. So either I was a snob who didn't say hi to people, or I made comments not fully hearing the convo, thus the 'beat you up' guy. You will remember the hearing issue, because it leads to lovely family dinners with the parents. Since this came from my dad's side, and he is almost 74, his ears are about as good and Helen Keller's were. My mum had perfect hearing, much to my dismay, so she literally yells or says things multiple times. Oh, and there are plenty of under the breath comments. Now, the good part of being hearing impaired? I am a kickass girlfriend if you need to know what the coach is yelling on the sidelines at 4th and goal.....The beauty of me.

Until we meet again. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you laughed out loud a few times.

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