Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weekend in Chattanooga, whoop!

Now don't get too excited, this is a G rated story. My sister, kids and I went up this past weekend to celebrate our mother's birthday. I'm not going to share her age, but just know, it's old, but you would never guess her age. Anyhoo, we zoomed up in sister's vehicle. I will say this for German cars, as a driver they rock, when you are 6'3 or over an oompa loompa height, not so much. Smooth none the less, and I could read or play my Iphone games, so no complaining for me.

Our story begins with giving the birthday girl her gifts. I, like most people, either recycle my gift bags, or I purchase to store them for later use. Such is the case with mum's gift. When she got to the end, mum asked me where I got this lovely bag from, I told her and then she shared it not only held her gift, but a roach carcass as well. I'm thinking, bonus, where's the chocolate? however, she didn't feel as excited, but it was good humor and my sister's bag offered no dead insects, so it was obvious my gift won. I gave her this great 'sippy' cup we sell at work. It's 24oz and it doesn't sweat for cold or burn for hot liquid. AND it has a lid. As we age we need these things, I'm not quite that elderly and I appreciate a good top on my drinks. Fade to dinner with all of us. Mum picked the eatery and all of us liked it, unusual as my second son isn't as easy to please when we dine out. BK was not an option for grandma. Dinner was yummy, our server Tim, seemed scared of our table, but we are used to that. My mother can be quite the handful when she goes out. Somewhat demanding. She asked Tim for butter I don't know how many times, and when he finally brought it back, it was a huge plate stocked full of butter pats. Take that birthday girl. And don't worry about waste, she stuffed the butter pats in her purse and they surfaced on our breakfast table. Imagine our horror. (This is me rolling my eyes, with a big open mouth) Now my children know that not only are their grandparents crazy, they steal too. Great lesson! In our family we have several convo's happening at once. We don't find this unusual but outsiders do. Since my dad and us girls had hearing problems, there was a lot of "what?" going on as we grew up. Now, we just spin our heads around like Linda Blair. This convo was no exception. We are busy chatting away, paying the bill, etc. When my dad, who at this point is standing up because he is ready to go, duh, said, "did you hear about Michael Vick?" we all stopped and looked at him, like he just said Beetlegeuse. To which all of us replied "WHAT????" We said the word Dick and he heard Vick and there we are. Perhaps you had to be there.....

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