Monday, June 15, 2015


When I left high school, I thought that would be the end of the back stabbing friend. I didn't really have any of those in high school, thankfully, but as I have aged I seem to gather them in my group. This must be why I normally had more guy friends then lady friends, dudes aren't big gossipers.  Some have been friends from other friends, and some have been significant others to my friends. Bottom line is they are never welcomed or needed.

I totally understand if you do something thinking, key word here is 'thinking' that you are doing a good thing. It rarely ever transpires into a helpful course of action though. All it does do is piss the person you thought you were helping out, and if there is more than one person connected to the issue, you've either lost them as a friend or you have annoyed them and made them feel betrayed.

We are all adults in this stage of the game, if you don't have anything else to focus on other than what friend likes what friend or betraying confidences of another friend, then get a frickin hobby. Pick up a second job or even a first if you don't currently have one. Do something other than gossip with other people in our group.

If I cant trust you, I cant have you around. And if I asked you point blank if you did or said something and you tell me no or give me another story, then I have two words for you BYE FELICIA.

Short and sweet, until we meet again, Kiss Kiss Hug Hug.

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