Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 Recap

How do I start this blog off? hmmmm, well, I should warn you that today I'm in a very pissy mood and reflecting on the year of 2012, has just made me even more so. Since my divorce, ok well a few years after the divorce, I have tried to be the positive, optimistic person who lets things slide, well guess what people, those days are GONE. I am throwing my sister Debra, the baton for being the 'nice sister' because I no longer want it nor do I think it helped me in anyway. Growing up and into adulthood, I was always cautious, aloof, and stood to the side to watch how people interact and their behavior, I still do this but if something went down a negative slant, I would try to make excuses or reasons for these behaviors. Almost like it wasn't really their faults they were azzholes, or retards, or douchebags. But no longer. If you act like an azzhole, you really are one, there was nothing that 'made' you this way, you choose to continue this personality trait and clearly, are comfortable being this way. Same with being a dumbarse and a douchebag. Really the latter no one can help because you didn't get there over night. It was a long process and some that I have met, have it down to a T. Sad, but true and again, I will no longer look the other way, or make excuses for it. I will go back to calling people out for their actions. Miss Nice Princess has left this freaking building and she is NOT returning. Heed my warning doubters. Now, as long as you play nice and act right, you won't have any issues or run ins with me. My inner circle is safe, for now. But cross me and I will no longer give you a pass because you are in my inner circle. I used to be a fairly good judge in character, but recent years have chipped away at that. I'm still ok, but not like I used to be. I promise you I will work hard to getting back to 100% in that area as well.

Let me recap my 2012, the year started with my fam celebrating my parents 50th Anniversary, God love them because I could barely make it to 10, but I digress. The party was a wonderful night of laughs, drinks, stories, drinks, and pictures of their last 50 years as a couple. My kids were there as well as some very good friends who made the drive up to Chattanooga and one who came all the way from Denver, my parents are those people that your friends want to celebrate with. Good times. That quickly fell when my Dad had a small but critical vein issue. He had this problem a few years ago and surgery and recovery were smooth and he was back to his one liners and wine. However, this second surgery didn't go as well and we lost him due to complications in April. I cry as I type this, as you really never think the loss of a parent could affect you as greatly as it does. Thankfully, we still have my Mum, and she had better go nowhere in 2013, or I will kill her. :)......I made some new friends this year that are very close to me now. I lost a few friends that weren't besties, but I had some years, good times and events with, that left my crew. I am a firm believer that 'Everything Happens For A Reason' and sometimes there is no reason, no rhyme, no closure. I wasn't devastated at the friendship that was lost, because if I were I would have reached out and tried to make amends. You just get to the point where all the drama these people create is too much and I like to live low key. I'm not a drama starter, sometimes my sister says I 'stir the pot' but really it's because I can't keep my mouth shut sometimes. We have already established I have no filter, well alcohol really turns that off. I don't do or say anything hurtful, I just may say stuff and then realize, 'whoops, maybe I shouldn't have said that', but guess what after turning 900 this year, I don't foresee that changing, sorry peeps.

In closing, I feel much better that I have 'vomited' onto this blog, I actually think I can continue to be the "nice sister", unless I'm in a situation where being the 'bad girl' is warranted. Peace, Love and Kiss Kiss to all. Muah!

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