Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We all have friends right? Did you know there are different levels of friends? Let's discuss shall we?

First you have that casual aquaintance, you know that person that wants to be your friend but you're kinda like, 'ummm not so much'. Then we have the instant friend, this is the person that you meet once and you know you were meant to be buds that would have some really good times and if things went well they could become a bestie. Another level of friendship is the person that you initially thought you would be buds with and then over the course of your time together, you have a conversation with yourself that usually begins with 'why do I even talk to that person?' Now, if you're me, you feel like on some level you have to keep this friend around. As I have discussed in other blogs, I believe in psychics and mine is quite good. After time with my friend I asked my guru 'why can I not let this person go?' and her reply was that 'we had previous lives together and you feel bound.' I'm guessing that's why I still talk with this person after all this time. But as of late, it really has become more of me asking myself  why. I may have to fade myself out of their life because it really is becoming hard to be positive about the friendship anymore.

 Recently, I encountered another type of friendship. One that was fast and all encompassing. It made me happy and I think it made my friend happy as well. Then suddenly as soon as it started we parted. And honestly, it made me quite sad. Because I had really become attached to this person, the things we discussed were things a lot of my besties don't know. Like a lot of my close friends, I trusted this person, I felt safe, loved and completely off guard with them. I know I have walked away from friendships in the past, but when this did happen it was due to an incident or betrayal. With this friend, I didn't have that, at least not that I'm aware of. And when you have a really close, trusted friend and they walk away from you, it's hard, really hard. I don't know that I've been this sad or heartbroken in a very long time. And quite honestly, I didn't miss this hurt. My friend is not the devil and I'm not trying to paint that picture, but whatever the reason, it ended by their hand and I'd like to think my friend is feeling a little down that it ended as well. I could be wrong, pfft, what am I saying, I'm never wrong.

My point is just that we do have people who float in and out of our lives, some stay for longer than a minute and others do not. Whatever the reason we have to cherish what we did have and appreciate the friends who still want to be with us. Through the years I've accumulated a very tight, close group of people I am proud to be friends with. They all know I would walk through fire for them, well until it started to burn then I'm out. I cannot mess up my hair! And my peeps know I blog with love even if it is poked at their expense sometimes. Kiss Kiss.

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