Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Since I've done a blog about what I hate, why not do one of what I love. Here goes:

1. My beloved sons.

2. My Mum and even though he is physically gone, my Dad.

3. PANDA'S, I know this comes as a shock to all of you, but they are so cute, with their wittle ears and fluffy butts.

4. I love my inner circle. They are trustworthy, loving, loyal and above all put up with me and my cray cray moods.

5. I love going out to hear live bands, always have. You cannot get that entertainment value anywhere else than at a bar/nightclub. The people who think they can dance. the ones who know they can't but have fun anyway, and then the drunk ones. Continuously good fodder for me and my peeps. I also like watching the girls who are trying so hard not to look like they are trying to hard.  (yes, I know I'm evil, we have discussed this)

6. I love my kitties, even the hag one who is trying to kill me, and my guinea pigs. They are so sweet and furry and just so happy to see you. My cats aren't normal cats. When I walk away they follow me. If I go to bed, they take me up and then go back downstairs in the warmer months. Winter months they are on me like an ant on a Cheetos.

7. I love my car Esme. Her sunroof makes me happy, even when it's frickin 80 out, she is open and the a/c is blowing. My sons think I'm an idiot, but hey, last I checked, I was paying for Esme, not them.

8. I absolutely LOVE the beach. Except for the Pacific, that shizz is cold even in the Summer months. I'm quite happy with my lovely Atlantic and all she offers, the Gulf is nice as well.

9. I love sarcasm, and having fun with people. Again, this may be a huge shock to some of you, but there you are, I've let the cat out of the bag.

10. And to round this list out, I LOVE SPARKLY THINGS. I know, I know, you wonder why I always have glittery eye liner or sparkly eye shadow, now you know. Case solved.

I love all of you who read my blog. If I can bring some humor to your day, that's what I really love.

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